Ebola Outbreak In West Africa

Ebola Outbreak In West Africa


The topic of my article is the Ebola outbreak in West Africa.

I found this article on a website called Global Issues.

The latest Ebola virus outbreak in West Africa has been described by the world health organization (WHO) who  as the largest, most severe and most complex outbreak in the history of the disease. The epidemic began at the end of 2013, in Guinea. From there it spread to Liberia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria and Senegal. Many of the affected countries face enormous challenges in stopping its spread and providing care for all patients.

I feel that we (U.S) need to take a stand and try and disinfect the virus and try to help stop it. If this viris gets to bad it could spread like wildfire in the U.S. This event effects me if a person from West Africa visits the U.S and passes it on to somebody here it could spread to everyone and eventually me. Thousands of people have died and many are at risk as the fatality rate from this virus is very high. As the crisis worsens, as well as the enormous health challenges involved, the social and economic consequences may be carried over to the U.S.

This virus has impacted the world by killing thousands of people. Many other people are at risk from this virus, especially if it spreads  to the U.S.       Social and economic consequences may set these countries back, reversing some gains these countries have made over the years. Hopefully this virus doesn’t spread to the U.S. because if it does,many people will be at risk. If this virus spreads like wildfire, America could be in a major setback.

Journalism Leads

Lead 1

RHHS will be having an open campus lunch policy starting on May 3, 2016,and lunch period will be extended by 10 minutes due to phenomenal test scores.This will apply to everyone except for freshmen.


Lead 2

WM feels that since RH is such a growing community, they will be receiving another super Walmart on May of 2006. Some community members feel that doing so will hurt local business.


Lead 3

Principal Mr. George of Saluda Trail High School has called Ms. Mobley stating that he has a 6th grader named Napoleon Dynamite  that has been tested numerous times to be a genius.  Principal George would like him to not “waste his time in middle school,” and move straight to high school.


Lead 4

A survey was released yesterday that states the number of child abuse cases rose to 2.7 million to 2.6 million from the previous year, out of every day, the survey showed that 3-4 children die every day in the U.S. from child abuse or neglect, and more than half of the children that die were under one years of age.


Lead 5

Suffering minor burns on her hands and feet, Kathy Mahoney was awakened by smoke and flames from a fire that was started by a lighted cigarette on her sofa. Although the blaze was under control in 5 minutes, it costed 76,000 dollars in damages.

Asian air pollution affecting the worlds weather

Asian air pollution affecting the worlds weather

The topic of this article is the asian air pollution affecting the worlds weather.


I got this article from Texas A&M Today.



Using climate models and data collected about meteorology over the past 30 years, the researchers found that air pollution over Asia “ much of it coming from China “ is impacting global air circulations.This pollution affects cloud formations, precipitation, storm intensity and other factors and eventually impacts climate. Asia needs to change their ways for our world.


I feel that If the world is being affected by Asias air pollution, something needs to be changed. Asia has to change its ways to make for less pollution for them, and the world. This event affects me by if Asias  Air pollution is making destruction to our climate, it will will change all weather for the world.Increases in coal burning and car emissions are major sources of pollution in China and other Asian countries.Air pollution levels in some Chinese cities, such as Beijing, are often more than 100 times higher than acceptable limits set by the World Health Organization standards

This event affects the world by Polluting the air,making the climate and weather polluted. If Asia doesnt change their ways of economy and transportation, it will change the world.Conditions tend to worsen during winter months when a combination of stagnant weather patterns mixed with increased coal burning in many Asian cities can create pollution and smog that can last for weeks.Once emitted into the atmosphere, pollutant particles affect cloud formations and weather systems worldwide, the study shows.One study has shown that lung cancer rates have increased 400 percent in some areas due to the ever-growing pollution problem.

Texas Environmental Problems

The topic of my article is the environmental problems in Texas.


The tile of my article is,

           Texas Environmental Problems


I got this article at a website called USA Today.


This article states the environmental problems that is currently in Texas.  Texas extraordinary size brings with it an equal scope of both opportunity and challenge for all kinds of weather that effects the environment. With Texas having a coast, the ocean bring storms and and weather to break down or help fix  the environment.


In this certain article, I cannot take a position rather than the fact that clean is always better when it comes to human consumption. I feel that Texas should be more careful about  Cross-contamination from waster that can introduce potentially lethal bacteria such as E. coli into water that is eventually consumed by humans. This event affects me because I live in Texas, and if someone in Texas catches a disease from fisheries or food waste, there is a possibility I could get it. Texas is growing in population year by year, which means there is a bigger risk of getting a disease or getting sick from waste. Polution is also a big factor in our environment forming polluted gases that could form acid rain clouds.

