Journalism Leads

Lead 1

RHHS will be having an open campus lunch policy starting on May 3, 2016,and lunch period will be extended by 10 minutes due to phenomenal test scores.This will apply to everyone except for freshmen.


Lead 2

WM feels that since RH is such a growing community, they will be receiving another super Walmart on May of 2006. Some community members feel that doing so will hurt local business.


Lead 3

Principal Mr. George of Saluda Trail High School has called Ms. Mobley stating that he has a 6th grader named Napoleon Dynamite  that has been tested numerous times to be a genius.  Principal George would like him to not “waste his time in middle school,” and move straight to high school.


Lead 4

A survey was released yesterday that states the number of child abuse cases rose to 2.7 million to 2.6 million from the previous year, out of every day, the survey showed that 3-4 children die every day in the U.S. from child abuse or neglect, and more than half of the children that die were under one years of age.


Lead 5

Suffering minor burns on her hands and feet, Kathy Mahoney was awakened by smoke and flames from a fire that was started by a lighted cigarette on her sofa. Although the blaze was under control in 5 minutes, it costed 76,000 dollars in damages.

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