Why Cartels Are Killing Mexico’s Mayors

I found this article on the New York Times website

This article about the Mexican cartels killing their mayors.


In mexico city on January 2, a team of hired killers set off for the home of 33-year-old Gisela Mota, who only hours before had been sworn in as the first female mayor of Temixco, a sleepy spa town an hour from Mexico City. Ms. Mota was still in her pajamas as the men approached her parents house. She was in the bedroom but most of her family was in the front room, looking over a newborn baby. As the family prepared a bottle for the baby , the assassins smashed the door open. to find out what the noise was, Ms. Mota came out of her bedroom and said firmly, “I am Gisela.” In front of her terrified family, the men beat Ms. Mota and shot her several times, killing her.


In 2009, American agents from the Drug Enforcement Administration got intelligence on where  Mr. Beltrán Leyvas is . The D.E.A. gave the address to Mexican marines — an elite American-trained force — who stormed in, killing Mr. Beltrán Leyva and four of his accomplices. A senior D.E.A. official told me they paid their informant a $5 million reward for the information that led to the takedown — taxpayer money spent to try and win the drug war.

Journalism Leads

Lead 1

RHHS will be having an open campus lunch policy starting on May 3, 2016,and lunch period will be extended by 10 minutes due to phenomenal test scores.This will apply to everyone except for freshmen.


Lead 2

WM feels that since RH is such a growing community, they will be receiving another super Walmart on May of 2006. Some community members feel that doing so will hurt local business.


Lead 3

Principal Mr. George of Saluda Trail High School has called Ms. Mobley stating that he has a 6th grader named Napoleon Dynamite  that has been tested numerous times to be a genius.  Principal George would like him to not “waste his time in middle school,” and move straight to high school.


Lead 4

A survey was released yesterday that states the number of child abuse cases rose to 2.7 million to 2.6 million from the previous year, out of every day, the survey showed that 3-4 children die every day in the U.S. from child abuse or neglect, and more than half of the children that die were under one years of age.


Lead 5

Suffering minor burns on her hands and feet, Kathy Mahoney was awakened by smoke and flames from a fire that was started by a lighted cigarette on her sofa. Although the blaze was under control in 5 minutes, it costed 76,000 dollars in damages.

Asian air pollution affecting the worlds weather

Asian air pollution affecting the worlds weather

The topic of this article is the asian air pollution affecting the worlds weather.


I got this article from Texas A&M Today.



Using climate models and data collected about meteorology over the past 30 years, the researchers found that air pollution over Asia “ much of it coming from China “ is impacting global air circulations.This pollution affects cloud formations, precipitation, storm intensity and other factors and eventually impacts climate. Asia needs to change their ways for our world.


I feel that If the world is being affected by Asias air pollution, something needs to be changed. Asia has to change its ways to make for less pollution for them, and the world. This event affects me by if Asias  Air pollution is making destruction to our climate, it will will change all weather for the world.Increases in coal burning and car emissions are major sources of pollution in China and other Asian countries.Air pollution levels in some Chinese cities, such as Beijing, are often more than 100 times higher than acceptable limits set by the World Health Organization standards

This event affects the world by Polluting the air,making the climate and weather polluted. If Asia doesnt change their ways of economy and transportation, it will change the world.Conditions tend to worsen during winter months when a combination of stagnant weather patterns mixed with increased coal burning in many Asian cities can create pollution and smog that can last for weeks.Once emitted into the atmosphere, pollutant particles affect cloud formations and weather systems worldwide, the study shows.One study has shown that lung cancer rates have increased 400 percent in some areas due to the ever-growing pollution problem.

Texas Environmental Problems

The topic of my article is the environmental problems in Texas.


The tile of my article is,

           Texas Environmental Problems


I got this article at a website called USA Today.


This article states the environmental problems that is currently in Texas.  Texas extraordinary size brings with it an equal scope of both opportunity and challenge for all kinds of weather that effects the environment. With Texas having a coast, the ocean bring storms and and weather to break down or help fix  the environment.


In this certain article, I cannot take a position rather than the fact that clean is always better when it comes to human consumption. I feel that Texas should be more careful about  Cross-contamination from waster that can introduce potentially lethal bacteria such as E. coli into water that is eventually consumed by humans. This event affects me because I live in Texas, and if someone in Texas catches a disease from fisheries or food waste, there is a possibility I could get it. Texas is growing in population year by year, which means there is a bigger risk of getting a disease or getting sick from waste. Polution is also a big factor in our environment forming polluted gases that could form acid rain clouds.




Poem for freshmen english

Colby Siegley

eng. 1



I am an ocean

I am an ocean
Silent and loud
Moving slow and fast


Peaceful for a moment

Stormy for the next
As the moon is full
I don’t have to see it
Yet I feel it
It pulls me over

Makes me restless
Calls me by my name
Knows all of my secrets
Hears my private thoughts
And I answer it’s call

I answer without choice
Begging it to let me free
Asking for relief
But it keeps drawing me
Bright and calm

Holding tight
Until I give in
the break and final boom

I am an ocean
Silent and loud

essays for freshmen english

Colby Siegley

English 1

April 5, 2015


Fear affects people’s lives


In the book “Night”, Elie Wiesel stands directly in the face of fear by having to watch the overpowering Nazis physically beat his father. Fear can affect people’s lives in many ways, to Ellie, fear was as if it physically and mentally hurt. Fear affects our lives by making us stronger, and by learning to fight with bravery.


Fear is a state of mind that triggers your “fight or flight” reflexes. Knowing what to do , can be a little tricky. Not wanting to make a wrong decision, we usually pick what we think is good for the situation we’re in. However, whatever decision we make, we get stronger from it. For example, the guards at the Auschwitz concentration camps were feared by many Jews, in addition to all the barbed-wire fences, burners, and guns, the guards presented a hatred-type mentality towards the Jews. Fear affects the Jews minds by not knowing how to break away from the hell-like jail that they are in.Facing one of the world’s most horrific era, made the Jews grow stronger by realizing what they can do with God in their lives. It taught them lessons that no one could ever know without being in the position that they were in, and it made their relationship with God grow stronger.


In other cases, learning to overcome fear with the concept of bravery can cause for learning to

happen in the process… For example, in the book “The most dangerous game”, Rainsford, a Big

Game Hunter, was stranded on an island and told that he was going to be hunted by day break from a War General named Zaroff. Fear shows a remarkable impact at first to Rainsford, but he knew he had to do something, or he would die. Rainsfords intentions were not to kill, but only to survive. Having fought to the last battle, Rainsford had to do something. Fighting through the fear of dying made Rainsford change as a person by knowing he could be a much stronger man through an epiphany of realization that he can fight through whatever life throws at him.


Therefor, by facing the concept of fear with either bravery or running, it affects our lives tremendously by letting us learn how we can overcome it the next time we face a certain situation.



Colby Siegley



Cell Phone effects

I made a decision the first day I got my phone. I would guard it with my life. The discovery of cell phones is one of the most significant technological advancements in recent years. Their wide range of uses has had a remarkable impact on the physical, social, and economic health aspects for our lives. Cell phones are the main communication tools for the economy in most of all Countries. They have affected people’s life both good and bad by being able to talk to whoever and whenever you want, but also paying more attention to the phone than life itself.

Recent studies of new technological devices have made our life so much easier than before times. Cell phones have not only given yourself a chance to talk to others on the go, they give us the ability to talk to business owners, customers, or nation wide family! by doing so, we (people) can now make our lives easier from the economical effect cell phones has given to us. For example, two business owners are about to be inspected by the safety man, if they don’t pass, they will be shut down. The owner can call the manager to tell him clean things up and make sure everything is safe ahead of time so that they can pass. That’s why cell phones have been a huge help to or economy.

On the other hand, all good things have to come to an end right? In recent studies, people have got lazy and seriously overweight from being on their cell phones on social media all the time. More and more and more people are buying cell phones each day. Which is causing the human race to usually pay more attention to them rather than spending time with their family or friends. Now day’s, social media is a huge part of people’s everyday life. The impact cell phones have had on people is just extraordinary, it’s like we are in a trance! Social media has affected our life’s each day by not letting us live the way we should. For example, instead of coming home from work school, ex and spending time with family, we tend to get on our phones and social media. Parents are getting divorced everyday and one of the main reasons is communication, This comes from when the couple pay more attention to their phones they don’t get a chance to talk much and spend time with each other.

Therefor, cell phones have a major impact and effect to our daily lives. Cell phones have not only had a good role in our life’s, they also have a bad one. If we learn how to balance the time out, while spending time with family and friends, then life will be much better!

Colby Siegley

1-8-15                                               Extreme emotion

Have you ever seen or heard of somebody with extreme emotion that have eventually committed suicide? People like that eventually become lifeless, never happy, and panicking all the time. Sadness and depression are a weakening to the brain that can eventually cause death, but, can also be a big uplift to the brain if controlled properly. If people learn how to overcome and learn how to deal with extreme emotions, their life will get immensely healthier, and their brain will get stronger.Dealing with extreme emotions like anger or sadness is very important because it could either mean great depression for a lifetime, or a much better healthy lifestyle.

If the human brain cannot overcome an extreme emotion, it will start to weaken and death will eventually occur. Some people are just not strong enough to overcome great depression.An average of 4.2 thousand people die every year from extreme emotions,or a broken heart. When the human brain can’t deal with theses symptoms, it starts to shut down making blood flow less frequently and the bones start to weaken. Many people with extreme emotions can’t do anything about it because they’re to mentally weak. You see, when people have symptoms like these, it is really hard to overcome it, making them shutdown all the source’s from the outside world,which causes them to get even more depressed or in whatever symptoms they have. Shutting out the world would cause them to have less sociable experience. People nowadays are more worried about social media than helping out a friend. Some friends can have an extreme emotion while no one knows about it.Others, everyone knows about it but none actually help.Dealing with extreme emotions is important because it could help build relationships instead of being depressed.

Although, if overcame extreme emotions, there could very possibly be a healthy lifestyle coming in the future! When the brain overcomes or “takes over” a certain emotion, it basically learns from its mistakes in a way, which causes it to become stronger and healthier. Although a humans brain is very strong, it can be very sensitive. Extreme emotions have to be dealt with properly so that it can be effective for the future, and become healthy again. When humans can overcome important things, like extreme emotions, they tend to have much more of a happy approach on life. So that they can overcome what they want and do what they feel like.If nobody does anything to help with extreme emotions,then the people with it could have an extreme emotion for life. That’s why it is important to overcome them, to have a healthy lifestyle.

Therefor, dealing with extreme emotions are very important to deal with because it could mean life or death. The human brain is the main cause that the body functions the way it does.When or if the brain is not functioning right, it will go into a state of mind that will hurt immensely. Extreme emotions is very important, try to help somebody out the next time someone with an emotion needs help. That’s why it is important to deal with extreme emotions.

Career Investigation Project (objectives/goals)


603 Titanic Dv. Brady Tx.



                    Email:[email protected]


I desire to work in retail sales at Winchesters



White Oak High School, White Oak, Texas

Currently a Freshman looking to graduate in the year



I have helped my Grandpa Danny Ellison in one of his Winchester stores and in his oilfield business.



•On the Academic A Honor Roll since 2006

Volunteer Experience

•I worked at a homeless children place and helped out the kids

•I went to the senior citizens place for thanksgiving and helped cook canned food


•I play football for White Oak High School

•I Hunt and Fish and I am very good at it.


Computer Skills

I work well on the internet, I am very skilled with google chrome, and how to fix and change things.



Available whenever needed.