Career Investigation Project (objectives/goals)
603 Titanic Dv. Brady Tx.
Email:[email protected]
I desire to work in retail sales at Winchesters
White Oak High School, White Oak, Texas
Currently a Freshman looking to graduate in the year
I have helped my Grandpa Danny Ellison in one of his Winchester stores and in his oilfield business.
•On the Academic A Honor Roll since 2006
Volunteer Experience
•I worked at a homeless children place and helped out the kids
•I went to the senior citizens place for thanksgiving and helped cook canned food
•I play football for White Oak High School
•I Hunt and Fish and I am very good at it.
Computer Skills
I work well on the internet, I am very skilled with google chrome, and how to fix and change things.
Available whenever needed.
Career Investigation Project (resume)
-Colby Siegley
-603 Titanic Dv. Brady Tx.
Dear Mr. Onelie,
I have always had the desire to work for you and your fine business at Winchesters. I am very determined to not only work hard and give you everything I got , but to be an employee that you are very fond with and like to be around, Ever since my grandpa told me about you as a manager in his business, I have always wanted to work with you. Being apart of such a well rounded business and great work criteria would be both a privilege and an exciting experience.
As a hunter, I have had a lot experience in the field. Working for you I would like to sell your products, make friends with the customers, and test your products in the field. I feel that you should pick me to work for you because i’m am hard working, and very trustable. I have a lot of friends all around that i could bring in to help the sales of the business.
Therefor I would like very much to speak with you about the position and to show you how much of an impact I can be to this company. If you have an interest in hiring me, you can reach me at 903-931-2171 or [email protected]. I can be reached whenever you feel the need to call me, for I am here at your call.
Career Investigation Project (cover page)
Colby Siegley
I desire to work at Winchesters in Longview Texas.I have hunted and fished my whole life and i can test your products in the field while hunting.I am very friendly and easy to talk to so I wouldn’t be a problem in your store. I am very knowledgeable in this subject and feel like it would help the business tremendously. The salary for this job is 44,588 $ a year, or 12.56 $ an hour. I could work all over. but I would not leave this beautifully free country.
Career Investigation Project
For the cover page go to this link.
For the resume go to this link.
And for the objectives and goals go to this link.
Republic of Panama
Republic of Panama CLICK ON THAT
Colbys book talk
O me, O life
O Me! O Life!
Oh me! Oh life! of the questions of these recurring,
Of the endless trains of the faithless, of cities fill’d with the foolish,
Of myself forever reproaching myself, (for who more foolish than I, and who more faithless?)
Of eyes that vainly crave the light, of the objects mean, of the struggle ever renew’d,
Of the poor results of all, of the plodding and sordid crowds I see around me,
Of the empty and useless years of the rest, with the rest me intertwined,
The question, O me! so sad, recurring—What good amid these, O me, O life?
That you are here—that life exists and identity,
That the powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse.
I don’t really understand this poem but i think that he is trying to tell us that theres no point in his living, hes just laying around, plotting along and doing nothing. He is trying to explain to us why we should be living and that there is a reason for life. Because most people just go on life with the same routine everyday and dont make life interesting. he wants us to get out and make life what it should be. |
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