Health/foods that are healthy for the skeletal system

The skeletal system provides support and structure to the body and serves to protect vital organs, such as your brain, heart and lungs. Working with muscles, the skeletal system assists in movement. While bones are hard, they can be broken and weakened if not cared for properly. A good diet, lots of vitamins, and regular exercise will help keep your skeletal system strong and healthy.

Here are some healthy foods that make your skeletal system stronger.

Oranges: have  vitamin C 93%,  fiber 13%,  folate 10%, vitamin B 19%, pantothenic acid 7%, copper 7%, potassium 7%,  calcium 5% and are great for the bones because they are rich in vitamins that protect the bones.

tomatoes: vitamin C 33% biotin 24% molybdenum 20% vitamin K 16% potassium 1 copper 12% manganese 11% fiber 9% vitamin A 6% vitamin 68% vitamin 37%and help the bones by giving nutrients to them.

potatoes:vitamin B6 32 potassium 26% copper 22% vitamin C 2 manganese 1 phosphorus 17% fiber 15% vitamin B3 15% pantothenic acid 13%gives the bones healthy nutrients to protect them.

broccoli: vitamin K 245% vitamin C 135% chromium 53% foflate 42% fiber 21% pantothenic acid 19% vitamin B6 18% vitamin E 15% phosphor s 15%manganese 15%choline 15% vitamin B2 15% vitamin A 13% potassium 13% copper 11% vitamin 18% omega-fats 8% magnesium 8% protein 7% zinc 6% iron  calcium 6% selenium 5% vitaminB3 5% provides nutrience for the bone to stay healthy.

Cantalope: vitamin C 78% vitamin A 30% potassium 12% copper 8% folate 8% vitamin B6 7% vitamin B3 7% vitamin B1 6% magnesium 5% fiber 5% vitamin K 4%provides nutrients to the bone to keep it healthy.

Meat: Histidine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Threonine, Tryptophan Valine- acids that help the bone grow.

Fish: selenium 223% vitamin B3 156% vitamin B12 111% vitamin B6 69% protein 66% phosphorus 54% vitamin D 23% provides acids and nutrients for better bone growth.

Apples :fiber 17% vitamin C 11% provides great energy for you and protects your bone by providing nutrients.

Almonds: biotin  49% vitamin E 40% manganese 27% copper 26% vitamin B2 18% phosphorus 16% magnesium 15% molybdenum 15% fiber 11% provides healthy nutrition’s to nourish the bones.

blue berries:vitamin K 32% manganese 25% vitamin C 19% fiber 14% copper 9 gives healthy nutritions for the bones.

Corn: pantothenatic 12% phosphorus 8% vitamin b38% magnesieum7% fiber7% vitamin b6 6% provides healthy nutrients for the bones.

Cereal: cereal has nutrients that are healthy for your body and the milk adds to it to help your bones

Vitamin A 0% Vitamin C 13%
Calcium 30% Iron 81%
Vitamin D 0% Vitamin B-6 55%
Vitamin B-12 0% Magnesium 11%


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